

Visit chavagnes.org

We collected the majority of metadata history records for Chavagnes.org. Chavagnes has a poor description which rather negatively influences the efficiency of search engines index and hence worsens positions of the domain. Chavagnes has neither keywords, nor description at the moment. But the domain used to have both of them in May 28, 2016.

Chavagnes.org metadata updates

Title Description Keywords

February 01, 2025

Chavagnes International College, Catholic boarding school for boys, France, UK GCSEs, A-levels, university pre...

November 07, 2022

Chavagnes International College, Catholic boarding school for boys, France, UK GCSEs, A-levels, university pre...

February 12, 2021

The School - Chavagnes International College, Catholic boarding school for boys, France, UK GCSEs, A-levels, u...

Leading international Catholic boarding school for boys in the British tradition. UK and French exams. Daily Mass, sports, music, theatre.

August 09, 2017

Chavagnes International College, Catholic boarding school for boys, France, GCSEs, A-levels, university prepar...

Catholic boarding school for boys of 10-18, follows British curriculum. Traditional all-round Catholic education, loyal to Church teaching. Pupils mos...

Chavagnes International College, Catholic boarding school for boys, France, GCSEs, A-level...

April 20, 2017

Chavagnes International College, top Catholic boarding school for boys, France, GCSEs, A-levels, university pr...

Catholic boarding school for boys of 10-18, follows British curriculum. Traditional all-round Catholic education, loyal to Church teaching. Pupils mos...

Chavagnes International College, top Catholic boarding school for boys, France, GCSEs, A-l...

May 28, 2016

Chavagnes International College Catholic boarding school for boys in France

Catholic boarding school for boys of 9-18, follows British curriculum. Traditional all-round Catholic education, loyal to the Pope. Pupils mostly from...

Chavagnes, International, College, Catholic, boarding, school, for, boys, in, France